

What is Balonpro?

Written to facilitate the work of balloon businesses; It is a web-based program that provides accounting works, flight schedule, cash transactions and many more.

With Balonpro, you can control your business from anywhere and easily access all the data of your business. It can record your flight reservations, daily flights and extras separately; your payment transactions for your flight operations; You can manage your cash and current transactions.

What Is B2B?

Sales transactions between companies are called. It is a B2B business model. In this model, the sale of products is sold to businesses, not to the end consumer.

The B2B model provides advantages for businesses that have high opportunities to reach their target audience through online or traditional channels. For the retail business, the biggest advantage of B2B is to earn stable income by selling in bulk.


Flight Schedule

You can add pricing according to the days, view the active, canceled or occupancy status of the days. You can also make future transactions.


You can view your online, B2B and direct reservations on the same screen and control them from anywhere.

Sales Pool

The created reservations wait in the sales pool to be sent for approval. You can manage the sales pool as you wish.

Operations Management

You can make pick-up, balloon, field and SHGM planning, and receive the documents you send to SHGM with a single click.


You can access manifest, end-of-day collection and operation, general ledger, customer and nationality reports on a daily, monthly and annual basis.


You can record your extras and create your calculations accordingly. You can add more than one extra to a customer.

Current Movements

You can make transactions with different currencies, create your current accounts, access your end-of-day data and control your safe.


You can instantly access occupancy rates, channel statistics, cancellations and B2B statistics for the selected date range.

Dynamic Pricing

With dynamic pricing, you can display different currencies on all your flights and control your transactions.



Cloud Management.
  • Unlimited users
    • Unlimited Traffic
      • Unlimited Disc
        • Pre-Accounting Management
          • Operations Management

Balonpro + Web

Cloud Management and E-Commerce Solution Website
  • Unlimited users
    • Unlimited Traffic
      • Unlimited Disc
        • Pre-Accounting Management
          • Operations Management

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